A dispute resolution process for suppliers and retailers, including mediation and arbitration, will be set up.
The competition regulator has vowed to push ahead with its twin investigations into the power of the supermarket chains over allegations of bullying suppliers and the misuse of petrol shopper dockets, despite the release on Monday of a draft voluntary code of conduct agreed to by the retailers and the nation’s grocery and food suppliers.
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims told BusinessDay on Monday that he welcomed the voluntary code that governed the retailer-supplier relationship but that he would not be derailed from pursuing current investigations into the leading supermarket chains, Coles and Woolworths, and alleged anti-competitive behaviour and unconscionable conduct.
”We are continuing those investigations, but there is not much more I want to say about it,” Mr Sims said.
The voluntary code, which has taken more than a year-and-a-half to negotiate, will govern the sometimes prickly relationship between the retailers and suppliers and covers areas such as payments for promotions and shelf space, delisting rules, contact between supermarket buyers and suppliers, private-label groceries and for the first time a dispute resolution process. The suppliers were represented by their peak body, the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC).
The supermarkets and suppliers have had a testy relationship of late, with political and public pressure mounting for them to do a deal. It has also come in the midst of a string of allegations over the perceived power of the leading chains and their treatment of suppliers, which has seen the ACCC also weigh in.It is believed the ACCC’s current investigation into petrol shopper dockets that reward grocery shoppers at Coles or Woolworths with steep discounts at supermarket-owned petrol stations will resume by the end of the year. A separate probe of alleged bullying tactics by the supermarket chains against suppliers is expected to be wound up by early next year or at least at a stage where the ACCC can make a public comment on the sensational investigation.
Recently Mr Sims said the petrol shopper dockets could severely impact competition in the fuel sector and he called on the supermarkets to end the scheme or only allow discounts at supermarkets, not the petrol stations. Mr Sims has also said the ACCC had been contacted by suppliers who have come to him with stories of bullying and unconscionable conduct by both supermarket chains.
It is believed while the ACCC supports any code of conduct within the sector, it will continue to focus on its investigations of both supermarket chains.
”We very much welcome that [a voluntary code of conduct]. The AFGC and the two supermarkets getting together on a code can only be a very good thing,” Mr Sims said. The ACCC, which is still considering the code, will also work with the government towards any positive changes in the industry.
The voluntary code covers a host of areas of concern to both retailers and suppliers.
Under a new “Grocery Supply Agreement”, suppliers and the supermarket chains will adhere to principles and policies covering payments, supplies, quality control, intellectual property and dispute resolution.
A supplier will not be obliged to make payments to a retailer to compensate for “shrinkage”, that is stolen goods or goods lost due to accounting errors, and retailers can not force suppliers to make payments as a condition of stocking or listing their goods.
Nor will suppliers be forced to make payments in order to secure better positioning on supermarket shelves for their groceries, although this does not apply to promotions.
The supermarket chains will only be able to delist a supplier’s products in accordance with agreed terms with a protocol in place to govern the delisting process.
Suppliers have long objected to the proliferation of private label or “own label” groceries in the supermarkets, and the new code of conduct aims to protect the intellectual property of branded groceries, protecting them from being adopted by the chains and used to create their own range.
A dispute resolution process for suppliers and retailers, including mediation and arbitration, will be set up.
Together the supermarkets and AFGC will set up a cross-sector committee to help educate players about the code and govern its use.
In a statement on Monday the federal government said it welcomed the release of the draft code of conduct.
”It’s pleasing to see the industry collaboratively working together to achieve an outcome which regulates the way suppliers and retailers interact,” a spokesman for Small Business Minister Bruce Billson said.
The government and the ACCC will now analyse the draft code to ensure there are not unintended consequences, before putting it out for public consultation which will allow other retailers and suppliers not involved in the process to provide input.
The draft code will then undergo a two-stage regulatory impact statement and go through the cabinet process before being implemented through regulation.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/retail/coles-woolworths-still-in-sights-of-accc-despite-new-code-of-conduct-20131118-2xq92.html#ixzz2l3IxLzPK